
October 28, 2022
Organizado por: HOSPITAL ALEMÃO OSWALDO CRUZ Data: Sexta, 28 de outubro 2022, 13h30 Local: Hospital Alemão Oswaldo Cruz , São Paulo, SP
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29 October in WHF, Twitter Minutes can save lives. Know the signs, get emergency medical care and save precious time. Join @WStrokeCampaign on 29 October, #WorldStrokeDay, to raise awareness of #stroke signs and the benefits of timely access to emergency medical care. Learn more: + info World Stroke Day
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in Fausto Pinto, Twitter Today is #WorldStrokeDay and just participated at a ROUNDTABLE MEETING promoted by @kenyacardiacs on Building effective and sustainable health systems for Hypertension and CVD care in Kenya, showing what we are doing @worldheartfed to promote cardiovascular health.
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