Museu do Amanhã e Sociedade Brasileira de Cardiologia (SBC) in SBC Está em cartaz a exposição S2 – Coração, Pulso da Vida, realizada pelo Museu do Amanhã em parceria com a Sociedade Brasileira de Cardiologia (SBC) – uma programação cultural imperdível para quem estiver no Rio de Janeiro ou visitar a cidade até fevereiro de...Continue Reading
in WHF We are pleased to announce the results of the WHF Board Elections 2022, and welcome the newly-elected members of the WHF Board 2023-24, who will be joining incoming President Daniel Piñeiro and Vice President John Kelly: President-ElectJagat Narula (United States) Vice President-ElectAmam Mbakwem (Nigeria) TreasurerRick Chazal (United States) Members at LargeJuwairia Alali (United Arab...Continue Reading
in Fausto Pinto, Fcebook Great session at the Academia Nacional de Medicina in Buenos Aires, integrated in the program of the Emerging Leaders of #WorldHeartFederation on the challenges and lessons learned with #COVID19. Also an opportunity to make the case for better connecting science & policy through knowledge generation, dissemination & translation. I also had...Continue Reading
Buenos Aires in WHF The 2022 Emerging Leaders cohort, which includes candidates from 17 countries across five continents, is in Buenos Aires this week to discuss and work on global approaches to reduce the global burden of #CVD and infectious diseases. The candidates have joined a 175-people expert community that has so far tackled several...Continue Reading
in WHF On 29 September, we joined the World Health Organization Philippines, Resolve to Save Lives, and the Department of Health (Philippines) in Manila and Iloilo City, the Philippines, to celebrate #WorldHeartDay Thank you to our partners for their collaboration and support, and to everyone who celebrated this special day with us! #UseHeart #PusoParaSaPuso...Continue Reading
in SBC Machines are better than humans at calculating cardiovascular risks in patients, says researcher The second day of the Brazilian Congress of Cardiology/World Congress started with a morning full of debates in auditorium 02. The main topic covered the challenges for preventing risks of cardiovascular diseases with analyzed epidemiological data. Renowned professionals took part...Continue Reading
in SBC Federation updated 2017 document with new recommendations The World Heart Federation (WHF) officially launched the Cholesterol Roadmap Update at the World Congress of Cardiology 2022 (WCC 2022) this Friday, 14th. The roundtable brought together Fausto Pinto (Santa Maria University Hospital), Fernando Lanas (Universidad de La Frontera), Kausik Ray (Imperial College London), Raul Dias...Continue Reading
WHF President introduces the World Heart Observatory at WCC 2022 The World Congress of Cardiology (WCC 2022) brought innovation to this last day of sessions with World Heart Observatory, a data structuring platform created by the World Heart Federation (WHF) and launched in February. Fausto Pinto, coordinator of the panel and president of the WHF,...Continue Reading
“Our community has a huge role to play in the effort the reduce health inequities and reverse the rising global trend of cardiovascular mortality. As physicians and health advocates, we can help build a world where everyone has access to the best possible care and treatment.”Continue Reading
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