
ESC JCS, A True Partnership.
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Tribute to Fausto Pinto: RaioX. Interview with Fausto Pinto: CardioTalks. Interview with Fausto Pinto: CardioSpot.
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Interview with Fausto Pinto: Congress Overview. Congress Journal. Interview with Fausto Pinto: Foreign Experts at the Congress
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Interview with Fausto Pinto: Heart and Vessels Department - Future directions. Interview with Fausto Pinto: The 1st Edition of the Heart and Vessels Department Journal. Heart and Vessels Department Journal.
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Interview with Fausto Pinto: News Farma. Interview with Fausto Pinto: Medico News. Interview with Fausto Pinto: JustNews.
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Interview with Fausto Pinto: RaioX.
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