
6th Beyond MEd O Congresso de Educação Médica da FMUL

23 October 2019 O Beyond MEd é o Congresso de Educação Médica da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Lisboa organizado pelo Conselho Pedagógico da FMUL, em parceria com o Departamento de Educação Médica (FMUL) e a AEFML (Associação de Estudantes da Faculdade de Medicina de Lisboa). Lisbon, 23 October 2019
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WHF Salim Yusuf Emerging Leaders Seminar

Global community of experts who act to positively impact the CVD agenda
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Visit at Medical University-Varna

Visit at Medical University-Varna, Bulgaria to discuss the future of Medical Education and also the development of a long term cooperation. Bulgaria, 11 october 2019 Prof. Zlatislav Stoyanov, Prof. Todorka Kostadinova, Prof. Fausto Pinto and Prof. Yoto Yotov Prof. Zlatislav Stoyanov, Prof. Todorka Kostadinova and Prof. Fausto Pinto Prof. Zlatislav Stoyanov and Prof. Fausto Pinto...
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World Heart Day – afternoon

in Prof. Fausto Pinto “Great World Heart Day 2019 in Lisbon, Portugal with many initiatives that involved the Portuguese Cardiology Society and Foundation and my University, through my center (CCUL). The cherry on top of the cake was the illumination of the Tower of Belem one of the icons of Lisbon, Portugal, a UNESCO world...
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World Heart Day – Morning

Assinatura do Acordo de Afiliação da Fundação Portuguesa de Cardiologia à Sociedade Portuguesa de Cardiologia Entrega do Diploma de Mérito ao Dr. Pedro Marques da Silva 11:00 – Pintura do Coração de Esperança pelas Crianças da Associação Minicor – Associação Coragem
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e-Conversas sobre saúde na FMUL

A Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Lisboa começou a promover desde julho um ciclo de conversas que decorrem na Sala Paul Janssen que se encontra dentro da Faculdade, pretendendo debater os grandes temas da saúde.
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Annual Congress of the Russian Society of Cardiology

Ekaterinburg, 24-26 September 2019 Prof. Fausto Pinto giving a plenary lecture on “The global burden of cardiovascular diseases in the 21st century” at the Annual Congress of the Russian Society of Cardiology in Ekaterinburg .
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74th United Nations General Assembly

Prof. Fausto Pinto speaking at UNGA side-event on fiscal policies and financing with the Ministries of Finance from Barbados, Ukraine, Norway, WHO and UNDP among others. New York, 23 September 2019 Credits WHF Credits WHF
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74th Congress of the Brazilian Society of Cardiology

Porto Alegre, 20-22 September 2019 Opening ceremony at 74th Congress of the Brazilian Society of Cardiology on the new brazilian guidelines on telemedicine, co-authored by Prof. Fausto Pinto.
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CCUL(Centro Cardiovascular da Universidade de Lisboa) Lunch Break

Lisbon, 19 September 2019 Prof. Anthony Gomes from Mount Sinai, New York, visited Lisbon Medical School to talk about Sudden Cardiac Death. Prof. Anthony GomesProf. Anthony Gomes and Prof. Fausto Pinto
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