
In Press

Virtual Education Rooms Dr. Paul Janssen: Opening Ceremony.
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In Press

Cardiovascular Rehabilitation Center: Opening Ceremony.
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CPC 2016

Interview with Fausto Pinto: CPC 2016; RaioX-TV.
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Interview with Fausto Pinto: CardioSpot.
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In Press

Interviews with Fausto Pinto: Congresso Novas Fronteiras em Cardiologia.
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AHA Science News

Fausto Pinto, ESC President, Mariell Jessup, past president of the American Heart Association, and Margaret Redfield, Investigator for NEAT-HFpEF provide expert commentary for the heart failure science - AHA Scientific Sessions 2015.
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FMUL Newsletter nº. 52

Professor Fausto Pinto: Doctor Honoris Causa of Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary.
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FMUL Newsletter nº. 43

Professor Fausto Pinto was inducted President of the European Society of Cardiology.
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