Hospital da Luz Lisboa 26 de Outubro de 2022 Decorreu o 1.º debate entre todos os Candidatos à eleição do próximo Bastonário da Ordem dos Médicos. A sessão decorreu no Auditório principal do Hospital da Luz Lisboa, com moderação da Dra. Graça Rosendo, responsável pela Comunicação do Grupo Luz Saúde. Após sorteio para a ordem...Continue Reading
in LASALUD DeTodoCorazó semana pasada, más de 12 000 profesionales de la salud, investigadores y defensores de la salud se reunieron en Río de Janeiro para el Congreso Mundial de Cardiología 2022, que se llevó a cabo junto con el 77º Congreso Brasileño de Cardiología. Este evento histórico reunió a algunos de los nombres más importantes de la cardiología durante tres...Continue Reading
in WHF Global health has paid a deadly price for not using simple, low-cost blood pressure lowering drugs, statins and aspirin widely in the form of a single pill, also known as the polypill. Widespread availability of polypills would substantially reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and be affordable for most people globally, says...Continue Reading
in WHF Last week, more than 12,000 healthcare professionals, researchers and health advocates joined us in Rio de Janeiro for the 2022 World Congress of Cardiology, which was held in conjunction with the 77th Brazilian Congress of Cardiology. This historic event brought together some of the biggest names in cardiology for three days of lectures, panel discussions and...Continue Reading
Museu do Amanhã e Sociedade Brasileira de Cardiologia (SBC) in SBC Está em cartaz a exposição S2 – Coração, Pulso da Vida, realizada pelo Museu do Amanhã em parceria com a Sociedade Brasileira de Cardiologia (SBC) – uma programação cultural imperdível para quem estiver no Rio de Janeiro ou visitar a cidade até fevereiro de...Continue Reading
in WHF We are pleased to announce the results of the WHF Board Elections 2022, and welcome the newly-elected members of the WHF Board 2023-24, who will be joining incoming President Daniel Piñeiro and Vice President John Kelly: President-ElectJagat Narula (United States) Vice President-ElectAmam Mbakwem (Nigeria) TreasurerRick Chazal (United States) Members at LargeJuwairia Alali (United Arab...Continue Reading
in Fausto Pinto, Fcebook Great session at the Academia Nacional de Medicina in Buenos Aires, integrated in the program of the Emerging Leaders of #WorldHeartFederation on the challenges and lessons learned with #COVID19. Also an opportunity to make the case for better connecting science & policy through knowledge generation, dissemination & translation. I also had...Continue Reading
Buenos Aires in WHF The 2022 Emerging Leaders cohort, which includes candidates from 17 countries across five continents, is in Buenos Aires this week to discuss and work on global approaches to reduce the global burden of #CVD and infectious diseases. The candidates have joined a 175-people expert community that has so far tackled several...Continue Reading
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