Panel 2: Secondary Prevention: how we can preserve life and livelihoods: Panel: Keynote speaker/Hungarian expert: Andréka Péter (Gottsegen National Cardiovascular Center) 1. Moderator: Professor Francesco Cosentino, Professor of Cardiology at the Karolinska Institute and University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden 2. Jean-Luc Lemercier – Chair of MedTech Europe Cardiovascular Sector Group 3. Prof. Fausto Pinto – Past-President, World Heart Federation 4. Neil Johnson – Executive Director Global Heart Hub 5. Prof. István Wittman – Hungarian Diabetes Association
High-Level Conference on Cardiovascular Health: Addressing the EU’s biggest killer
Chairperson at the Late breaking clinical trials: medical therapy
in ESC
It covers the entire spectrum of heart failure, from prevention to diagnosis and treatment.
Heart Failure Congress is the annual congress of the Heart Failure Association of the ESC.
Fausto Jose Pinto (Santa Maria Hospital – CHULN – Lisbon, Portugal) fjpinto1960Roberto Ferrari (University of Ferrara – Ferrara, Italy)
A phase 2b, randomised, double-blind, active controlled, multi centre study to evaluate the efficacy, safety and tolerability of oral AZD9977 and dapagliflozin treatment in patients with heart failure Speaker: Carolyn Sp Lam (Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School Singapore – Singapore, Singapore) lamcardio Time: 13:45
Discussant review – MIRACLE Speaker: Milton Packer (Baylor University Medical Center – Dallas, United States of America) Time: 13:53
A phase 2, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study to assess the tolerability and pharmacodynamic effects of CRD-740, a PDE9 inhibitor, in participants with chronic heart failure Speaker: James E Udelson (Tufts Medical Center, Inc. – Boston, United States of America) EduGuasch Time: 13:57
Discussant review – CARDINAL HF Speaker: Allan Bohm (Premedix & Seerlinq – Bratislava, Slovakia) SorinS_Popescu Time: 14:05
Readily available urinary sodium analysis in patients with acute decompensate Heart Failure Speaker: Evelyne Meekers (Hospital Oost-Limburg (ZOL) – Genk, Belgium) CzechCardio Time: 14:09
Discussant review – EASY-HF Speaker: Pierpaolo Pellicori (University of Glasgow – Glasgow, United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland) PierpaoloPel Time: 14:17
DEA-HF: The heart failure diuresis efficacy comparison study Speaker: Aharon Abbo (Rambam Health Care Campus – Haifa, Israel) Ronnie_A Time: 14:21
Discussant review – DEA-HF Speaker: Kevin Damman (University Medical Centre Groningen – Groningen, Netherlands (The)) kevin_damman Time: 14:29
Low-dose administration of carperitide for Acute Heart Failure Speaker: Toshiyuki Nagai (Hokkaido University – Sapporo, Japan) Time: 14:33
Discussant review – LASCAR-AHF Speaker: Lars Lund (Karolinska University Hospital – Stockholm, Sweden) Time: 14:41
"Endocardite infeciosa"
Conheça a equipa de moderação do evento “𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐩𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐂𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐡”, do dia 17 de abril, das 09h00 às 12h30 na Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Lisboa.
"Coronary X-ray angiography segmentation using Artificial Intelligence: a multicentric validation study of a deep learning model"
Erice, 21st to 24th March, 2024
Organised by Professor Salvatore Novo co-Director of the International School of Cardiology at the “Ettore Majorana” Foundation & Centre for Scientific Culture di Erice, togeteher with Professor Francesco Fedele (Rome), I organize the XXIV Workshop on “Advances in Cardiovascular Diseases and Therapy“
Presidente do Congresso
Este Congresso visa, em primeiro lugar, promover a discussão aberta sobre novas fronteiras no que tem sido uma evolução fascinante no âmbito do diagnóstico e terapêutica cardiovascular. Nele participam um vasto número de peritos nacionais e estrangeiros, constituindo uma excelente oportunidade de formação pós-graduada na área da Medicina Cardiovascular.
Em resultado do significativo crescimento verificado em edições anteriores, iremos retomar o formato de duas salas de sessões plenárias em simultâneo. Os conferencistas podem circular livremente entre ambas as salas plenárias.
Os três dias do Congresso decorrerão exclusivamente no centro de conferências.
Sendo uma reunião primariamente destinada aos profissionais de saúde que lidam diariamente e mais intensamente com problemas cardiovasculares, pretende-se, contudo, estender o seu âmbito aos profissionais cuja área de intervenção abrange necessariamente as doenças cardiovasculares, como sejam, internistas, intensivistas, cirurgiões, médicos de família, enfermeiros e técnicos.
Contamos com a sua participação ativa para ajudar a criar um ambiente dinâmico de interação e troca de experiências. Ao mesmo tempo esta é também uma oportunidade de mostrar um pouco sobre alguns dos múltiplos projetos de investigação e através da interação com colegas de outros centros, podermos lançar novas ideias.
Estamos confiantes de que esta reunião representa um ponto de encontro de colegas que partilham os mesmos problemas e preocupações, aproveitando o envolvente desta região para momentos de reflexão num ambiente a isso propício.
Management of Chronic Coronary Syndromes
COVID 19 2024 Update Where do we stand?
Role of WHF in Promoting Global CV Health
February 2 and 3, 2024
12 de Janeiro 2024
Estado da arte da Desnervação Renal para tratamento de hipertensão
Dyslipidemia Management; EmergingTargets & Key challenges
O CIRCE é um encontro científico com foco nos mais recentes avanços ciêntificos na doença cardiovascular. Este ano, o CIRCE será presidido pela Professora Carolyn Lam e irá contar com um painel de peritos globais.
A agenda final ainda não está fechada sendo que será partilhada durante o mês de Agosto, mas anexo o teaser oficial do CIRCE sendo que o foco da reunião será nos seguintes tópicos:
• Dados mais recentes na doença cardiovascular incluíndo os ensaios clinicos SELECT e STEP-HFpEF
• Otimização dos eventos cardiovasculares em pacientes com DMT2 e obesidade, o mecanismo de ação dos agonistas da GLP-1 na doença cardiovascular e doença arterial periférica
• Insuficiência cardíaca (HFpEF, o fenótipo de obesidade da HFpEF e ATTR-CM como uma causa sub-reconhecida de HFpEF)
• O papel da inflamação sistémica na doença aterosclerótica e no enfarte agudo do miocárdio
SELECT was a randomised, double-blind, parallel-group, placebo-controlled trial designed to evaluate the efficacy of semaglutide 2.4 mg versus placebo as an adjunct to standard of care for prevention of MACE in people with established CVD with overweight or obesity with no prior history of diabetes. People included in the trial were aged ≥45 years with a BMI ≥27 kg/m2.
The primary objective of the SELECT trial was to demonstrate superiority of semaglutide 2.4 mg compared to placebo with respect to reducing the incidence of three-point MACE consisting of cardiovascular death, non-fatal myocardial infarction or non-fatal stroke. Key secondary objectives were to compare the effects of semaglutide 2.4 mg to placebo with regards to mortality, cardiovascular risk factors, glucose metabolism, body weight and renal function.
The trial enrolled 17,604 adults and has been conducted in 41 countries at more than 800 investigator sites. The SELECT trial was initiated in 2018.
Intervention strategies for the reduction of cardiovascular risk in the world at the Shared session with WORLD HEART FEDERATION: How innovation can help to save hearts
NAPOLI, 1-3 Dicembre 2023, Hotel Royal Continental. Il tema centrale del nostro congresso è la “Complessità Clinica”, un concetto che definisce il panorama medico odierno. Con le patologie sempre più emergenti, l’aumento dell’aspettativa di vita e l’evoluzione delle terapie, la medicina si trova di fronte a sfide sempre più intricate. Ecco quindi perché diventa cruciale esplorare, condividere e affrontare insieme questa complessità.
Efficacy and Safety of Low-Dose Colchicine after myocardial Infarction at the SESSION II - CLINICAL CARDIOLOGY (II)
Therapeutic options in advanced heart failure at the SESSION IV - CLINICAL CARDIOLOGY (III)
28th & 29th NOVEMBER 2023
Cardiology University of Messina
Residential school in cardiovascular diseases, University of Messina
The main objective of the Congress will be to provide an appropriate scientific updating on major cardiovascular diseases such as heart failure, ischemic heart disease, valvular disease, cardiomyopathies, arrhythmias, cardio-oncology. One session will be dedicated to the role of imaging in the field of the important cardiovascular diseases. The program also includes some lectures on emerging issues The topics to be addressed and the quality of the international and national speakers is a guarantee of the high scientific profile and the good result of the congress.
Lipoprotein A and CV Risk at the Session 4: Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease
24-25.11.2023 Sofia, Bulgaria
Evaluations in panels I -23 November 2023
Evaluations in panels II - 23 November 2023
Wrap up, writing of evaluation reports - 24 November 2023
Harmonisation of results / clinical panel - 24 November 2023
November 22 – 24, 2023 – ICRC FNUSA, Brno, Czech Republic
Optimal Management of Chronic Coronary Syndrome
“Meet the Expert - Prof. Fausto J. Pinto”
Dhaka, 16-17 November 2023
Chairperson at the “Heart Failure Masterclass with Scott Solomon”
Opening Session
A Conferência Gender Mainstreaming in Medicine and Medical Research decorre no âmbito do projeto ERA Chair iSTARS – Informatics and Statistical Tools for the Advancement of Research Success, promovido pela Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Lisboa e financiado pela União Europeia (Projeto 952377).
A organização do evento está a cargo da Faculdade de Medicina da ULisboa em parceria com o Centro Interdisciplinar de Estudos de Género (CIEG/ISCSP-ULisboa).
Dirigido a médicos/as, investigadores/as e estudantes, bem como a todos/as os/as interessados/as em aplicar a perspetiva do género na medicina e na investigação médica, o evento terá como keynote speaker a neurocientista e Professora Emérita da Aston University, Gina Rippon.
Welcome remarks
O Curso Pós-Graduado de Atualização em Cardio-Oncologia, promovido pela FMUL, realizar-se-á nos dias 16 e 17 de março, no Edifício Egas Moniz.
Num formato híbrido a formação será presencial, contudo e devido às ligações à ICOS, o curso contará com nomes de elevada referência do panorama internacional e que vêm assim enriquecer mais ainda esta formação que tem revelado grande sucesso e procura.
Joint Strategic & Global Expert Panel Meeting, 15 March 2023, Baveno, Italy
ZEUS trial with ziltivekimab aims to validate the link between hsCRP and major adverse cardiovascular events
658-06 - The Vision of Global Heart Health and the Journal of "Global Heart" at the Global Perspectives on Ischemic Heart Disease - A "Global Health Spoken Here" Session March 5, 2023, 8:00 AM - 9:15 AM
Chairperson at the World Heart Federation Featured Research with Year in Review — A "Global Health Spoken Here" Session March 6, 2023
Session 745 - Chairperson CV Imaging in Low and Middle Income Countries March 6, 2023
March 4-6, 2023
ACC.23/WCC is packed from beginning to end with 300+ sessions taking place over the course of 3 days and 80+ session live-streaming around the world.
Sala Vasos: OPENING SESSION 25.01.2023
A poluição como fator de risco cardiovascular
Call to Action
Artificial intelligence and Telemedicine: its contribution to imaging in clinical diagnosis at the ANTICIPANDO IL DOMANI
Il Meeting Lariano delle Scienze Mediche, organizzato dalla Società Italiana Scienze Mediche in partnership con l’Azienda Socio Sanitaria Territoriale di
Lecco, mira a fornire ai Medici di Medicina Generale ed agli Specialisti un pacchetto di conoscenze di alto interesse professionale in maniera
multidisciplinare ed interattiva, sperimentando un modello organizzativo di partnership che coinvolge sia una Società Scientifica come la SISMED ed
una Azienda Ospedaliera come l’ASST di Lecco, sia le competenze di diverse Specialità Mediche allocate in maniera da completare gli argomenti
trattati nei Simposi dal punto di vista interdisciplinare, e cioè tra Specialisti di diverse branche, ivi inclusi i Medici di Medicina Generale.
Opening Session
11-22 December 2022, Kochi ,India
The International Society of Cardiovascular Disease Epidemiology and Prevention, in collaboration with the World Heart Federation, announces the 52nd Ten-Day International Teaching Seminar on Cardiovascular Disease Epidemiology and Prevention to be held from December 11-22, 2022 in Kochi, India. The seminar is co-hosted by Prof. Krishna Kumar, Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences and Centre, Kochi and Prof. Dorairaj Prabhakaran, Executive Director, Centre for Chronic Disease Control, New Delhi India. Approximately 36 Fellows can be accepted. The final selection will be made by the Society’s Seminar Committee. Nominees should normally be at the postgraduate level with residency training or its equivalent, and be interested in cardiovascular disease epidemiology. Normally, preference will be given to younger candidates, with little or no formal training in epidemiology. Tuition, board and accommodation are provided without cost to fellows. Fellows and their sponsors are responsible for their own travel costs to the seminar. COVID-19 vaccination is a requirement for attendance.
Use Of Strain Imaging In Decision Making In Valvular Heart Disease at the ECHO IN VALVULAR HEART DISEASE Day 2, 09 December 2022
Chairperson at the INTERESTING CASE PRESENTATIONS Day 2, 09 December 2022
KEYNOTE ADDRESS Day 3, 10 December 2022
Chairperson at the FOCUSSED SESSION ON LIPID MANAGEMENT Day 3, 10 December 2022
Chairperson at the CSI-WHF JOINT SESSION: CVD RISK FACTOR MANAGEMENT Day 3, 10 December 2022
Air Pollution: A CAD Risk Factor & Approach To Ecological Care at the CSI-WHF JOINT SESSION: CVD RISK FACTOR MANAGEMENT Day 3, 10 December 2022
Chairperson at the POTPOURRI Day 4, 11 December 2022
Importance of the polypill and fixed dose combination in CVD prevention world wide at the Polypill and fixed dose combination strategies: How to act upon the accumulated evidence Session
CVCT is an unique think tank, experts only forum aiming at discussing important and timely CV trials and trial science issues (design, methodology, interpretation, approval and implementation). Emphasis is on interaction among highly knowledgeable experts, with as little lecturing as possible, and as much think-tank interaction as possible.
CVCT is also unique in that it assembles key global experts from multiple backgrounds, including academy, industry R&D, regulatory agencies (FDA, EMA), major journal editors, NHLBI, payers (CMS, HTA organisations) and patient representatives. CVCT enjoys support from and partnership with major learned societies in the field.
What should quality look like in a national cardiovascular plan?
CVD takes a huge toll on people’s lives and costs European countries billions of euros. CVD is Europe’s leading cause of death, accounting for 45% of all deaths in 2017. But a high proportion of these are preventable, either through addressing modifiable risk factors or improving access to high-quality care and disease management.
If we know how to prevent and manage CVD, why aren’t we doing it? There is no easy answer, but it is telling that despite the huge structural barriers to securing consistent guideline-based cardiovascular care for all who need it, political awareness of CVD appears to be low. Many national plans and strategies in this area are outdated, or lack concrete investment and implementation measures.
There have recently been signs of renewed interest in CVD. The COVID-19 pandemic has taken a huge toll on front-line care services, but has also been a wake-up call for governments to reconsider the resilience and sustainability of our health systems. We urgently need greater clarity as to what effective CVD policies might look like.
At this launch, we seek to bring original insights into how we can progress a new generation of national CVD plans, while simultaneously securing deeper political commitment to them from a wider spectrum of societal and economic agendas. This reflects the content of two new think pieces we’ve produced, which are Finding inspiration within prominent national cardiovascular disease plans (July 2022), and The heart of society – why addressing cardiovascular disease is critical to achieving wider societal goals (Sept 2022)
Moderador da Sessão Coração na Diabetes
17 e 18 de novembro de 2022 | Centro Ismaili de Lisboa
Heart failure, inequality and the world stage: connecting advocates with the global policy agenda
The Heart Failure Policy Summit is the only dedicated policy event for the heart failure community in Europe.
It provides a much-needed forum for collaboration and discussion between patient advocates from different sectors. The Summit aims to elevate the efforts of national-level heart failure advocates to engage decision-makers and policymakers across Europe. It supports members of our community to form relationships and learn from one another’s experiences.
Each session features experts from the heart failure and wider health advocacy communities, including high-profile clinical leaders and experienced patient advocates. We will also be joined by policymakers, past and present, who will share their perspectives on the current policy environment and opportunities for change.
Policymakers are increasingly conscious of issues faced by people from minority communities, women and marginalised populations. Now is the time to share knowledge and experience of the stark inequalities affecting people with heart failure. How can advocates tap into global policy agendas, activate policymakers, and create solutions to reduce the burden of heart failure among all population groups in an equitable way?
Chair: Ed Harding, Network Director, Heart Failure Policy Network
Saúde Cardiovascular global, oportunidades e desafios
Data: Sexta, 28 de outubro 2022, 13h30
Local: Hospital Alemão Oswaldo Cruz , São Paulo, SP
WHF Roundtables: Key learnings and opportunities to advance CVD care in Africa
Kenya Cardiac Society
The meeting will bring together various stakeholders including the Ministry of Health, World Health Organization, NCD Alliance of Kenya, Neurological Society, patient-led organizations (Stroke Association of Kenya – SOAK) and implementing partners.
The purpose of this talk is to showcase the impact of the WHF Roundtable meetings in driving local action to improve CVD care. We will be happy to get your input on the proposed topic.
Abertura do Ano Académico 2022/2023 - Intervenção do Docente
A Sessão Solene de Abertura do Ano Académico 2022/2023 decorre no dia 6 de outubro na Aula Magna da Universidade de Lisboa (ULisboa).
Celebrando o início de um novo Ano Académico, esta sessão solene é um importante marco na vida académica da ULisboa e junta toda a sua Comunidade.
15h30 Abertura da Sessão
17h00 – Encerramento da Cerimónia
Esta sessão está integrada no programa de receção aos novos estudantes da universidade “Bem vindo à ULisboa” que decorre no mesmo dia, na Alameda da Universidade, com atividades desportivas, entrega de kits de boas vindas e uma sunset party.
ZEUS - Effects of ziltivekimab versus placebo on cardiovascular outcomes in participants with established atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, chronic kidney disease and systemic inflammation
The World Heart Federation: the WHF CVD Scorecard Project -what policy for Cardiovascular Health?
“Covid-19: Desafios, oportunidades e como preparar o futuro”
Health system constraints and opportunities in the post pandemic era Debate
Hybrid Event under the Auspices of the Czech EU Presidency6th September 2022
FH Europe together with Diagnoza FH, its its Czech member, are proud to announce the upcoming meeting “FH Paediatric screening moving prevention from evidence to action: overcoming the barriers to implementation” on 6 September 2022. The meeting is an accompanying event under the auspices of the Czech Presidency of the EU 2022, which started on July 1, 2022. It will be held in the Czech Senate in Prague between 13:00 and 16:30 CET.
This European event, organized by the FH patient advocacy groups, will convene thought leaders from across different sectors. It will look beyond the technical questions about FH paediatric screening that have dominated the screening debate thus far. International experts will explore specific barriers (science, funding, healthcare systems, behaviour) which are hampering the implementation of screening and how these barriers may be overcome to secure universal implementation of inherited high cholesterol screening – a solution to beating cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and building cardiovascular health (CVH) across Europe.
To ensure that this meeting accelerates action and implementation, an output of the event will be a Prague Declaration – a clear blueprint of what is now needed to overcome barriers and implement FH paediatric screening programmes throughout Europe.
Find out more about FH – an unresolved cardiovascular public health issue …
The outcome of this meeting is a political document – the Prague Declaration.
Symposium CCS at ESC Congress. Room Miro 27 Aug 2022
Chairperson at the How climate change and pollution affect the heart
The WHF Digital Roadmap: signposting future directions in digital health – Chairpersons’ introduction Session: The WHF Digital Roadmap: signposting future directions in digital health Topic: e-Cardiology/Digital Health Speaker: Professor M. Cowie (London, GB) Professor F. Pinto (Lisbon, PT)
The WHF Digital Roadmap: signposting future directions in digital health – discussion. Session: The WHF Digital Roadmap: signposting future directions in digital health Topic: e-Cardiology/Digital Health
Session: Optimising the lipid management of high and very high cardiovascular risk patients Topic: Drug therapy Speaker: Professor F. Pinto (Lisbon, PT)
16:30-17:30 Chairperson at the The WHF Digital Roadmap: signposting future directions in digital health.Room: Gaudi - The Hub Speaker - from 16:30 to 17:30 - Room: Gaudi - The Hub Sess. Title : The WHF Digital Roadmap: signposting future directions in digital health Pres. N° : 389001 / from 16:30 to 16:35 Pres. Title : The WHF Digital Roadmap: signposting future directions in digital health – Chairpersons’ introduction.
16:30-17:30 Chair at the Beta3 adrenergic agonists in the clinic: the end of the beginning. Picasso - The Hub 28 Aug 2022
Salud Cardiovascular para todos / Cardiovascular Health for Everyone at the "Conferencia Inaugural y Acto Académico / Opening Conference"
Midiendo el progreso en salud cardiovascular con el nuevo Observatorio WHF /Measuring progress on cardiovascular health with the new WHF Observatory
Chairperson at the Cardiology Around the World - World Heart Federation
Translating data into policy at the Cardiology Around the World - World Heart Federation
Annual Conference 2022 – 100 Years
Co-Chair of the Core Pathway: Hypertension in Large Spectrum: Diagnosis, Intervention Threshold, and Therapeutic Options
Observatório de Doenças cardiovasculares da WHF
Projeto: Estatística Cardiovascular
Boas vindas e Alocução introdutória
Palestrante da Sessão 3 "Insuficiência Cardíaca" com o tema "Insuficiência Cardíaca: uma “pandemia” negligenciada? Cenário Atual e Necessidades Não Atendidas"
"The impact of WHF in global cardiovascular health: a road ahead"
“Build Back Better. Time to act: the burden of cardiovascular diseases”
The EHMA Annual Conference is the preeminent European conference on health management. This year, for its 26th edition, EHMA 2021 will be taking place digitally through the lens of Lisbon, Portugal on 15-17 September 2021. We are pleased to be hosted by the Associação Portuguesa de Administradores Hospitalares (APAH).
The EHMA Conference is the place for all healthcare stakeholders to come together, discuss current topics and exchange innovation and best practices. We strive to gather and connect health managers from Europe and beyond to exchange knowledge on excellent delivery of healthcare to ensure the health and well-being of European citizens and communities.
EHMA 2021 will be the place where to present your research and hear from experts on the most contemporary topics on health management including digitalisation, integrated care, sustainable health systems, value-based healthcare, and much more.
For up-to-date information on our Annual Conference, please visit
Elogio a Jorge Alberto Costa e Silva
O prejuízo causado pela pandemia no ensino médico / The damage caused by the pandemic in medical education na MESA REDONDA X - INFLUÊNCIAS NA FORMAÇÃO DO CIRURGIÃO CARDIOVASCULAR / ROUND TABLE X - INFLUENCES IN THE CARDIOVASCULAR SURGEON FORMATION
"Global experiences and achievements on cardiovascular management"
Enfermedad cardiovascular en los tiempos de COVID-19
Global cardiovascular health: the challenges ahead and the role of WHF
Cardiologia no Mundo - Hoje e Amanhã - Conferência de Abertura
Pushing boundaries in cardiac care – An interview with Professor Fausto Pinto, President of the World Heart Federation
Published Jul 28, 2021+ Follow
I recently had the pleasure of speaking with Professor Pinto, President of the World Heart Federation as well as Head of Cardiology at the Hospital de Santa Maria in Lisbon, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Lisbon, and Past President of the European Society of Cardiology.
As with most conversations of late it is not surprising COVID-19 was the first topic discussed. COVID-19 has affected each of us in different ways and although undisputedly devastating, we agreed that the medical community has come far and that these advances are here to stay. Professor Pinto said rather poignantly, “in difficult times we should try to transform the negative things and find opportunities to deal with some of the issues we have to face.” One such opportunity is presented by the huge technological developments in ‘telemedicine’.
Telemedicine or telehealth refers to the delivery of medical services to patients remotely. In the 21st century, the most common methods are via telephone or more advanced digital platforms with live video.
I agree with Professor Pinto that although these solutions already existed, the pandemicgave us opportunities to rethink some of the models that we are used to. Necessity drove the uptake of digital solutions much more widely and effectively. Continuing to deepen the use of telemedicine will be crucial – we can look to expand its scope to awareness raising and increasing patient access to medical care both during and beyond the pandemic.
We also discussed multidisciplinary care, a topic close to my heart. Professor Pinto commented “the profile of the patient that we see today is different from the one we used to see 10-20 years ago” – the patients are more complex, with more comorbidities and interactions between different organs or systems. Consequently new “subspecialities” are arising to manage the cardio-renal axis, brain-heart axis and metabolic syndrome, all of which put a higher demand on physicians. Despite the recognised connectivity of health conditions, multidisciplinary cooperation is one of the biggest challenges for the medical community today.
Professor Pinto believes that using multidisciplinary teams and the integration of different specialist fields are essential for good clinical practice, and for the improvement of care of highly comorbid conditions. In order to do this effectively, the organisational structure needs to change to allow these communication silos to be broken down, something the World Heart Federation is actively researching.
Regarding the longer-term outlook for cardiovascular medicine, I asked what changes he personally hopes to see for patients. Professor Pinto said that in the last 20 years, “the decline in mortality in all the medical cardiac conditions has been huge, but at the same time the prevalence of disease has been increasing.” He believes that the shift in focus needs to be on improving prevention through addressing disease risk factors.
“80% of CV diseases are preventable, which is amazing…I would love to see in 10 years’ time the reduction in the prevalence of disease.”
The second big shift Professor Pinto foresees in the next 10 years is an increased personalisation of medicine: “When we treat the patient today, we are not 100% sure what’s going to happen…and that’s something we need to improve”. His view is that the better the knowledge about disease mechanisms, the more accurately and effectively we can diagnose, treat, develop new treatments and prevent diseases.
Professor Pinto has fantastic insight and understanding into the whole cardiovascular landscape, working in a global capacity leading the World Heart Federation and in his previous role as President of the European Society of Cardiology, and directly with patients from his hospital in Lisbon. As a physician and scientist in the field of cardiovascular medicine, I was looking forward to this discussion and it has confirmed many of my views on the evolution of cardiovascular care.
“O futuro da formação médica pós-graduada em Portugal”
Redefining priorities in cardiovascular diseases during COVID-19 pandemic: many questions, few answers
Álvaro Liprandi
– Presidente da Sociedade Inter Americana de Cardiologia
– Chefe de Cardiologia do Sanatorio Güemes. Buenos Aires, Argentina
Carlos Rochitte
– Editor-chefe do ABC Cardiol – Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia e Presidente do DIC-SBC 2020-2021.
– Presidente do DIC-SBC 2020-2021.
Celso Amodeo
– Médico do corpo clínico do Hcor e colaborador do setor de cardiopatia hipertensiva da UNIFESP.
– Presidente da Sociedade Brasileira de Cardiologia
Claudio Tinoco
– Editor chefe do IJCS e Professor Associado da Universidade Federal Fluminense
Evandro Tinoco
– Presidente do Departamento de Insuficiência Cardíaca (DEIC/SBC)
– Coordenador da Universidade do Coração – SBC
Fausto Pinto
– Diretor da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Lisboa
– Presidente, World Heart Federation (WHF) (2021-2022)
Lidia Zytynski
– Pós Doutorado no Brigham and Women’s Hospital – HMS, Boston, MA, US
– Professora Titular da Escola de Medicina/PUCPR
Marcus Simões
– Coordenador da Clínica de Insuficiência Cardíaca e do Centro de Investigação em Amiloidose do HC-FMRP-USP
– Presidente do Grupo de Estudos em Miocardiopatias – GEMIC/DIEC/SBC
Fabiana Marcondes
– Médica assistente do Núcleo de Transplantes do Incor, Universidade de São Paulo
– Diretora Científica do Departamento de Insuficiência Cardíaca – DEIC/SBC 2021/2022
José Albuquerque
– Professor Titular de Cardiologia da Universidade Federal do Maranhão (UFMA)
– Doutor em Cardiologia pela INCOR – Faculdade de Medicina da USP
Heath Data Governance Summit
30 June 2021
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the world’s biggest killer, claiming 18.5 million deaths every year. Across the developed and developing world, preventing, and managing heart disease remains a major challenge. More worryingly, the COVID-19 pandemic has made people living with CVD even more vulnerable and has put even more barriers to their access to care.
Yet, in every crisis there is an opportunity to start afresh with new thinking. Devastating as it has been globally and for people living with CVD, the pandemic made clear the importance of health data in navigating complexity and emergencies. Data does not live in a vacuum, however, nor does it speak for itself. We need skills, understanding, and governance to make it meaningful and impactful for heart health, especially in the post-COVID world when we expect a tsunami of CVD.
To that end, the World Heart Federation (WHF) is developing the World Heart Observatory as its contribution to the data-driven future of the cardiovascular and wider health community. The Observatory will collate and curate multiple CVD data initiatives, including from WHO, the Global Burden of Disease, and from the WHF national society members, into actionable knowledge for cardiologists, patient organizations, health advocates, researchers, and industry. Its added value lies in identifying gaps and research needs, building capacity in data curation, analysis, and dissemination, and providing a debate forum in relation to global CVD data. The Observatory’s open-access online platform will be launched by the end of 2021.
Data governance will be at the core of the Observatory’s work, partnerships, and impact. We, therefore, welcome the opportunity to participate in and support WHO’s Health Data Governance Summit as the forum for greater international collaboration on data governance and a platform to encourage consensus around health data as a global public good.
The World Heart Federation is an umbrella organization, in official relations with the World Health Organization, representing the entire cardiovascular community through its +200 Members in more than 100 countries. Since 2018, WHF has been making digital health and health data one of its key areas of work across its programmes, publications, events, and campaigns. Learn more about WHF and the impact it is making at
Health data governance good practices - Partners and countries identify and share good practices
Introductory Speech from the Co-chair
Webinar Discussion Guideline
Co-chairperson at the New concepts and treatments for structural heart valve disease
Medalha de Mérito da Ordem dos Médicos
Cardiovascular diseases in times of pandemic
Chairperson at the Roundtable session hosted by the WHF, FH Europe and EAS at the 89th EAS Congress
MasterClass Online Courses - Emergências Cardiovasculares
Medical Advancements and Challenges Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic - Angina
Medical Advancements and Challenges Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic – Angina
Dates: May 14 -15, 2022 (Saturday & Sunday)
Venue: To be confirmed
The Hong Kong Medical Forum (HKMF) is an annual event organised by the Department of Medicine, School of Clinical Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong. The objective of the HKMF is for Continuing Professional Education (CPE) of different disciplines and subspecialties, through state-of-the-art lectures by local and overseas speakers who are distinguished specialists in their respective fields.
The target audience includes general practitioners, family and specialist physicians, clinicians of other specialties, basic and higher physician trainees, nurses, allied health professionals and medical students. An exhibition of medical products will be held concurrently to bridge users and the industry on the latest advances available on the market.
We look forward to bringing a worthwhile meeting for everyone to enjoy.
Chairman | Dr Koon-Ho Chan |
Members | Dr Michael Cheung Dr Harry Gill Dr JoJo Hai Prof Ivan Hung Dr David Lam Dr Paul Lee Dr Philip Li Prof Eric Tse Dr Desmond Yap Dr Thomas Yau Dr Kai-Hang Yiu Dr Jacqueline Yuen Mr Kenneth Yip |
Forum SecretariatHong Kong Medical Forum Secretariat
University Department of Medicine
Room 405, Professorial Block
Queen Mary Hospital
Pok Fu Lam
Hong Kong
Tel: (+852) 2255-6709
Fax: (+852) 2855-1143
13 de Maio 2021
Wrap up & Conclusion
WHF Webinar
11 May 2021
“Rheumatic heart disease has a huge cost to society in poorer regions, as it affects mainly young people. We want everyone to live healthy, productive lives, regardless of where they live. For this to happen, RHD needs to be in the limelight and WHO is fully supportive of WHF’s efforts to achieve its elimination, calling on donors and governments to scale up actions to prevent and manage the disease.” – Dr Tedros, WHO Director-General.
Discussant at the Roundtable Today’s top challenges in cardiac care
Estrategias de la WHF 2021-2023: Hacia una salud cardiovascular para todos
Consecuencias cardiovasculares del COVID 19: directa e indirecta
O Nutri2Go é um congresso pioneiro na área da Nutrição organizado pela Associação de Estudantes da Faculdade de Medicina de Lisboa, contando com a participação de alunos da Licenciatura em Ciências da Nutrição e do Mestrado Integrado em Medicina. Tem como objetivos centrais, por um lado, a promoção do conhecimento na vasta área da Nutrição e, por outro, a oportunidade de adquirir skills de partilha desta informação na comunidade, tendo por base diversas palestras, workshops e formações. Apesar de ser a sua primeira edição, acreditamos veementemente na sua futura imposição como congresso de Nutrição de referência a nível nacional, concretizando uma aposta sem precedentes na formação dos nutricionistas e médicos do futuro e no impacto como agentes ativos de ação na comunidade.
Host of the Webinar USE ♥ TO ACT NOW ON ANGINA
Angina is a serious medical condition that affects more than 100 million people globally. It can have a huge impact on the quality of life of patients, with consequences including disability, job loss, and depression. As angina manifests in a variety of ways, the symptoms can be difficult to recognize, and often risk being attributed to stress, menopause, or digestive issues. Knowing how to detect angina early is crucial, and this event will serve to unite both health professional and patient perspectives so that the warning signs of angina are not missed. The webinar will leverage learnings from the prolonged COVID-19 pandemic, emphasizing how now, more than ever, it is necessary to continue to focus on heart health and that consulting your doctor promptly is key to positive health outcomes. Speakers Prof Fausto Pinto | President, World Heart Federation Prof Giuseppe Rosano | Cardiologist, St George’s University Hospital London Neil Johnson | Director, Global Heart Hub Elsa Steo | WomenHeart Ambassador 2020 Prof Roberto Ferrari | University of Ferrara, Italy |
Symposium - FERRER - Quais são os desafios na gestão dos doentes CV em Portugal? Fausto José Pinto - Moderador Adalberto Campos Fernandes - Palestrante
Symposium - FERRER - Quais são os desafios na gestão dos doentes CV em Portugal? Adalberto Campos Fernandes - Moderador Fausto José Pinto - Palestrante
In CPC2021
Bem-vindos ao CPC 2021!
A preparação do CPC 2021 decorre em franco progresso.
Queremos deixar uma mensagem de esperança e de empenho baseados na vivência de todas as adversidades ocorridas na preparação do CPC 2020 mas que não impediram que fosse conseguido um congresso de elevado nível cientifico. Assim esperamos que todo o empenho e entusiasmo desta comissão organizadora permita manter o CPC no nível de excelência a que sempre nos habituamos.
Assim o CPC 2021 que decorrerá de 30 de Abril a 2 Maio, está a ser estruturado em modo digital/virtual, porque a imprevisível evolução da pandemia Covid não nos permite, por enquanto, ter outras expectativas.
De todo o modo fica a promessa de nos adaptarmos a outros modelos, assim o quadro epidemiológico o permita
How it can make a difference, and how the organizations will be involved.
31 March 2021
In addition to the direct health risks of the COVID-19, the indirect effects have also severely disrupted access to basic health services that prevent, diagnose, and treat patients with noncommunicable diseases. Every year, NCDs kill 41 million people — making up 71% of all deaths globally. The majority of these deaths occur in low- and middle-income countries, where health systems often have limited capacity and resources for health and care.
We’re now facing a syndemic — the convergence of several epidemics — with individuals around the globe facing severe disruption to care, preventive screenings, and postponed surgeries. It has also created a ticking time bomb when it comes to cardiovascular health. At the height of the crisis, more than half of the 155 countries surveyed by the World Health Organization reported partially or completely disrupted services for hypertension treatment, with 31% of cardiovascular emergencies disrupted
Co-Chair Infectious cardiovascular diseases (infective endocarditis) at the Japanese Circulatory Society is together with the World Congress of Cardiology joint symposia
Chairperson at the RT12 Part 1 : Global Heart Failure perspectives: WHF Roadmap on Heart failure
Discussant: RT12 Part 2 : Challenges and prospects for cardiovascular medicine in Japan
Welcome and messages on Chagas disease and COVID-19 coinfection/comorbidity
Health Challenges in a Post-Covid World.
Ciclo de conferências “A Europa depois da pandemia: como superar a crise, aprofundar o projeto europeu, reconstruir os laços transatlânticos e reforçar a coesão depois da pandemia?”.
Nesta terceira conferência, o painel será dedicado à reflexão sobre os investimentos estratégicos em infraestruturas e na inovação no setor da saúde.
Para obter mais informações sobre o programa e os participantes, por favor visite a página de internet e a página de Facebook da Embaixada de Portugal em Praga.
Embaixada de Portugal em Praga
A RDN funciona sem outro medicamento anti-hipertensivo?
Sharing knowledge of renal denervation (RDN) as a new device-based therapy for control of raised blood pressure
2021 Predictions
February 10, 2021 | What can we expect from cardiology this year? Roxana Mehran gets a preview from Stephan Achenbach, Mitchell Elkind, Fausto Pinto, and Athena Poppas.
09:50: Conference #1: “The facing change of medicine in the next 10 years” – Professor Fausto Pinto, Portuguese Academy of Medicine
On 18 March, the Federation of European Academies of Medicine (FEAM), with support of the Portuguese Academy of Medicine, will organise a digital conference focused on the future of the medical profession, from the training of young professionals to the challenges on the integration of academic medicine in medical practice.
The advancement of digital technologies has contributed greatly in the medical field, but has also posed challenges. If we look at education, few medical courses in Europe changed their curriculum in recent years.
In this conference focused on medical training, Professor Fausto Pinto (Portuguese Academy of Medicine) will look at “the facing change of medicine in the next 10 years”, while Professor Stefan Constantinescu (Royal Academy of Medicine of Belgium and Romanian Academy of Medical Sciences) will dive in into the topic of “the integration of academic medicine in medical practice”.
Looking to a long-term future, we will have an open discussion on “What kind of doctor do we want for the future?” with professors and students from around Europe.
Join this discussion and register at the event, here.
09:30: Opening remarks – Professor George Griffin, President of the FEAM; Manuel Heitor, Portuguese Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education; and Maria do Céu Machado, Vice-president of the FEAM.
09:50: Conference #1: “The facing change of medicine in the next 10 years” – Professor Fausto Pinto, Portuguese Academy of Medicine
10:25: Conference #2: “The integration of academic medicine in medical practice” – Professor Stefan Constantinescu, Royal Academy of Medicine of Belgium and Romanian Academy of Medical Sciences
11:00: Open Discussion: “What kind of doctor do we want for the future?” – President of the Panel: Professor Manuel Sobrinho Simões, Portuguese Academy of Medicine;
Panelists: Professor Jean Sibilia, Dean of the Strasbourg Medical School; Professor Jenny Higham, Principal, St George’s, University of London;
12:00: Closing remarks – Professor George Griffin, President of the FEAM
Angina updates 2021 - Integrated Best practices in clinical settings
Angina updates 2021
Webinar SBCardiol - SOS CORAÇÃO – Amazonas
A SBC, em parceria com a SBC/AM, criou uma campanha solidária para levar assistência médica à população ao estado do Amazona, através da telemedicina durante esse período de crise.
Acompanhe o lançamento ao vivo do evento e saiba como ser um voluntário neste nessa ação que conta com os apoios de: World Heart Federation (WHF), Fundação Adib Jatene, CONASEMS, Conexa Saúde.
Dia 22 de janeiro, às 10h (horário de Brasília) / 9h (horário de Manaus)
Link para evento:
The view of the World Heart Federation (WHF)
PLENARY SESSION: COVID-19 and Cardiovascular Diseases: Direct and Indirect Impact
COVID19 dúvidas respondidas por profissionais de saúde
Amanhã, pelas 21h, no Grupo do Facebook COVID19 dúvidas respondidas por profissionais de saúde, vai realizar-se um webinar com o Professor Fausto J. Pinto onde o principal objetivo será esclarecer os participantes com informação fidedigna sobre a Covid-19.
Para assistir, terá como primeiro passo pedir para aderir ao grupo no Facebook.
In CHULN “O Hospital de Santa Maria comemora o seu 66.º aniversário no dia 8 de Dezembro e no dia seguinte assinala essa data com as suas instituições irmãs, a Faculdade de Medicina ULisboa e o Instituto de Medicina Molecular, num webinar onde se destaca o papel do Centro Académico de Medicina de Lisboa na resposta à pandemia. Assista à sessão em”
“Doenças Cardiovasculares em Tempos de Pandemia: Efeitos Diretos e Indiretos”
In APDDH “A APDH realizou o 8.º Congresso Internacional dos Hospitais “Saúde 6.0: Pessoas e Tecnologia”, com o Patrocínio Institucional da Federação Internacional dos Hospitais (IHF) e da Federação Europeia dos Hospitais (HOPE) e a colaboração especial da Altice Portugal, durante os dias 26 e 27 de novembro de 2020, no Showroom do edifício sede da Altice Portugal, em Lisboa, em formato virtual face ao atual contexto pandémico.
No atual panorama da Saúde em Portugal estes eventos adquirem grande relevância, a nível nacional e internacional, pelo que contamos com a participação de importantes personalidades no Setor, congregando um elevado número de profissionais de Saúde e dirigentes hospitalares de topo.
A APDH decidiu criar paralelamente ao 8º Congresso Internacional dos Hospitais e no contexto de resposta dos sistemas de saúde à Covid-19, um concurso internacional de fotografia que retratasse o impacto da pandemia COVID-19 nos serviços de saúde, nos seus profissionais e utentes.
Idioma do Congresso: Português, à exceção da Sessão de Abertura que teve dois momentos em inglês.”
Endocardite infecciosa no Brasil e Portugal
27.11.2020 - Diabetes and heart failure: New therapeutic strategies at the Joint Session SMC-WHF on Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes
26.11.2020 - Moderator Iron Deficiency Webinar
Iron deficiency is present in one-third of the world’s population, but heart failure patients are disproportionately affected – up to two thirds of people living with chronic heart failure. Join experts explore the link between iron deficiency and heart failure and identify strategies to improve awareness and prevalence of iron deficiency in people living with heart failure.
Conferência magna ao vivo: Humanismo e a medicina
21.11.2020: Câncer, doenças cardiovasculares e respiratórias e diabetes: como elas estão ligadas? Sessão conjunta internacional SBC/WHF/SIAC
22.11.2020: Coordenador Sessão conjunta internacional SBC/FSCLP - Sistema Cardiovascular e COVID-19 / The Cardiovascular System and COVID-19 Sessão especial – Federação das Sociedades de Cardiologia de Língua Portuguesa (FSCLP)
Coordinador: El rol de la Federación Mundial de Cardiología (WHF) en la lucha global contra las enfermedades cardiovasculares - Sesión conjunta SAC-World Heart Federation
Realizado pela Sociedade Brasileira de Cardiologia, o evento acontecerá de 20 a 22 de novembro e promete apresentar os estudos mais importantes publicados sobre a ciência cardiovascular em 2020
Em 2020, o Congresso Brasileiro de Cardiologia será on-line. A Sociedade Brasileira de Cardiologia (SBC) assume o desafio de realizar a 75° edição do evento em um formato digital e interativo. A decisão se baseou na preocupação com a saúde e o bem-estar de todos. O maior encontro da cardiologia brasileira e latino-americana do ano será realizado de 20 a 22 de novembro e promete um momento de atualização científica e profissional, e de união para todos esses especialistas do Brasil.
Esse ano, com a pandemia da Covid-19, tem-se um cenário que alterou a vida dos brasileiros de uma maneira geral e os eventos médicos também sofreram impacto. “O formato do Congresso será digital, mas a qualidade e o compromisso são os mesmos: promover a integração do melhor da ciência cardiovascular com as ideias de diversas correntes do pensamento científico na especialidade para cada cardiologista brasileiro”, destaca o presidente da SBC, Marcelo Queiroga.
75º Congresso Brasileiro de Cardiologia
Data: 20 a 22 de novembro
Protocolo com a Camara Municipal de Lisboa
10 de Novembro de 2020
Esta conferência pretende efetuar um diagnóstico da cidade ao nível das políticas ambientais, avaliar o impacto do ambiente urbano na saúde, no bem-estar da população e na economia da cidade.
São também analisados os efeitos nocivos na saúde induzidos e acelerados por fatores de contaminação ambiental (epidemias e pandemias), procurando reduzir a sua incidência, prevenir novas ameaças e reforçar a ação neste domínio, dando especial atenção aos grupos mais vulneráveis.
A conferência é para cidadãos, profissionais e estudantes dos mais variados setores de atividade que pretendam consolidar os seus conhecimentos sobre os efeitos do ambiente urbano na saúde.
Estima-se que 54% da população mundial vive em áreas urbanas, prevendo-se que em 2050 esta percentagem seja de 66%. Um crescimento exponencial que coloca vários desafios às cidades.
A CCDR LVT – Comissão de Coordenação e Desenvolvimento Regional de Lisboa e Vale do Tejo terá como uma das oradoras na Conferência: Sandra Mesquita | Monitorização e avaliação da qualidade do ar em Lisboa.
4 de Novembro de 2020 O potencial da teleducação na integração da CODEM-LP
Apresentação da situação da FMUL - Matrizes curriculares pós-pandemia: similaridades e especificidades na Rede CODEM-LP
2º Simpósio de Intercâmbio em Medicina -Cooperação de Escolas Médicas de Língua Portuguesa
Date: 30.10.2020 Time: 07:00 - 07:45 Inaugural Session
Date: 30.10.2020 19.30-19.45 Cardiovascular Diseases during COVID-19 Pandemic at the Physician´s Burn-Out: Messages for Cardiologists, Cardiac and Vascular Surgeons in the era of COVID-19
Date: 31.10.2020 13:15 - 14:15 CHAIRPERSON at the New EventAdvanced Echocardiography
Date: 31.10.2020 13:15 - 14:15 How to Avoid Traps in 3D? at Advanced Echocardiography at the New EventAdvanced Echocardiography
COVID pandemic and cardiac injury: what have we learned?
trata-se de um dos principais eventos do Curso de Medicina da Universidade de Mogi das Cruzes, sendo este, realizado, exclusivamente, por acadêmicos com o apoio da Coordenação do Curso e da Diretoria do Centro de Ciências Biológicas da Universidade de Mogi das Cruzes. Desde sua primeira edição, em 1981, o COMUMC propicia a integração entre os alunos, médicos e pesquisadores de todo país, com a finalidade de aprimorar conhecimentos e promover atualizações sobre as mais diversas áreas da Medicina, por meio de debates, palestras e incentivando a produção científica.
A Jornada do paciente com FA, desde a anticoagulação até a reversibilidade; NOACs nos diferentes cenários cardiológicos.
Thu, 08-Oct 16:35 16:50 - Cardiovascular imaging in management of heart failure
Fri, 09-Oct 18:30 18:45 - Digital Cardiology: How will it influence medical practice
NOACs em Diferentes Cenários Cardiológicos
Cardiovascular Diseases during COVID-19 pandemic
Chairperson at the "Two different national models"
Finding solutions in adverse times
MedTech: Prevenção e diagnóstico
A Segurança do Doente e os curricula no Ensino Superior em Saúde - Perspetiva Académica
14 July 2020 Chair Session 6 - “Co-morbidities in HF (part 2)
14 July 2020 Speaker / Panel discussion Session 3 - Valvular heart disease in HF
Chair Session 15 - Global challenges and opportunities for heart failure diagnosis, treatment and research
11 July 2020, 11:00 Chairperson at the Vascular protection. Coronary heart disease and peripheral artery disease. Two sides of the same coin Prof. Keith Fox
Qual o impacto da COVID-19 na Educação Médica em Portugal?
Estágios clínicos suspensos: e agora, 6º ano? Pacientes virtuais substituem pacientes reais? Tele-ensino: porquê só agora? Já agora, COVID-19 e o impacto na PNAFE…Estas são algumas das questões que queremos ver respondidas nesta primeira sessão do TalkMedToMe – COVID-19 Edition.
Tuesday, 25 February 2020 09:30: Cardiac amyloidosis (12 min). 9:30 – 10:45At the Hot topics in preventive cardiology. Main Hall
Tuesday, 25 February 2020 11:30-12:30: Chairperson at the Keynote Lectures. Turquoise
Tuesday, 25 February 2020 15:00-16:00: Chairperson at the From inflammation to infiltration: Role of imaging modalities. Turquoise
Tuesday, 25 February 2020 20:30: Egyptian CardioLeague in the main hall (a national competition based on the ESC guidelines between teams from different universities)
Wednesday, 26 February 2020 15:00-16:15: Major challenges in CV Diseases in 2020. At the CVD in 2020; Hot topics that we should know. Main Hall
14 de Dezembro de 2019 Tele monitoramento da IC